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Thomas Target Tiffany Target

Thomas Target Thomas Target Real name: Thomas Anderson Target
Eyes: Dark blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight: 205 lbs.
Occupation: Intelligence agent, insurance salesman (cover)
Base: Newark, New Jersey
·    Thomas "Tom" TargetThomas Target is mild-mannered insurance salesman. He is also a top secret agent working along with his wife. He is highly skilled in covert espionage, communications, electronics, geography, martial arts and weapons. He has advanced exposives training. He lives in an New Jersey surburb near Newark along with his wife, Tiffany.

Tiffany Target Tiffany Target Real name: Tiffany Hernandez Target
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Blonde
Height: 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight: 113 lbs.
Occupation: Intelligence agent, yoga instructor (cover)
Base: Newark, New Jersey
·    Tiffany Target – Tiffany Target is Thomas' wife, partner and fellow operative. Together they go on secret missions stopping various terrorists and supercriminals and prevent global annihilation. Like her husband, Tiffany is highly trained in espionage, communications and electronics, weapons and hand-to-hand combat. She also is an expert in multiple languages. She teaches a yoga class in the local gym.


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