Andrew Jennings is the team’s resident archery specialist. He is also the team’s survival trainer and field medic. Andy served in the Canadian Army Special Forces while spending his off-duty time as a masked crime fighter in his native Calgary, Alberta, Canada neighborhood. He was recruited to the team for his expertise with archery and for his incredible marksmanship. Andy is a little hotheaded when it comes to following orders. At first, he believed he can accomplish a mission on his own with listening to his superiors and counting on his ego. From the time he joined Bullitt’s team as time goes on, he learned the value of teamwork, although he still has to cope with his stubbornness. Despite his hotheadedness, Andrew is otherwise calm of focus when taking out his respective targets. Andrew fashions himself as a ladies’ man, which sometimes leads to friction between him and the team’s main female members, Natsumi Kirk and Sakura Midnight, but turns strictly professional when he is called on for a mission. His favorite hobbies are collecting electric train sets and practicing his archery skills. LLike most of his teammates, Andrew is infused with nanomachines enabling him with athletic-like strength and speed as well as enhanced senses, superhuman agility, reflexes and combat capabilities. Andy is a third-generation Canadian archery national champion, due to his gifted archery skills. He uses his skills to take out armed sentries and other tactical needs. He is a highly trained survivalist and also a highly qualified field medic. His preferred primary weapons are compound bows and modern high-power crossbows with telescopic sights; he uses various types of arrows ranging from standard steel-tipped to ones with specially made arrowheads (i.e. explosive, gas, gadget arrows including ones with special sticky-based substances, flashbang/concussion). He also prefers an Heckler & Koch UMP .45 caliber submachine gun as his backup primary weapon (used strictly for close-quarters combat). He is an expert in military-style knife and edged melee weapons combat. Like his teammates, he is implanted a internal communications module surgically emplaced inside near his skull that enables him to “cyber-link” with his other teammates.