Michelle Zool was a renowned genetics scientist at Syracuse University who specialize on analyzing human DNA to find cures for various diseases, when she introduced a controversial procedure: combining reptilian DNA and human cells to help the human body resist high temperatures during global warming and reserve certain types of cancer. Her superiors are baffled and tried to cut her funding. But to prove that her theory will be successful that later one evening in a secluded lab room, experimented on herself small sample of DNA cells from frogs, lizards and snakes. But when military scientists, knowing about this experiment from a close source in the university and wanted it for use for weapons research, stormed the lab where Zool was, she accidentally injected and overdose of DNA in her bloodstream. A scuffle ensued between her, campus security guards and soldiers; in the confusion she was thrown to a power switchboard and short circuited causing steams of electricity to flow over Zool’s body, with started a horrific transformation. Zool woke up in a military jail cell, mutated by the reptilian DNA overdose and is ridden with emotion and guilt. The military was about to transport her to a facility for experimentation when Zool uses her newfound reptilian abilities to escape the stockade. Angered at the university for betraying her and vowing revenge against the government for attempting to use her as nothing more than a weapon, Zool turned to a life of crime, knowing that she will never find an antidote for her condition. Reptilia has the animalistic abilities of several reptiles: she has the camouflage-bending attributes of a chameleon, the amazing leaping ability of a frog, and the strength, agility and venom-producing glands of a King Cobra. Her other powers about the ability to turn invisible, spits coercive acid from her glands and the ability to shoot deadly power blasts from her hands. She is trained in close quarters combat and is an expert in genetics and chemical warfare.