Regina Dovehart is a princess from a tiny European nation and transfer student to Jasmine and Ayeko's high school. She is refined and regal and is the oldest and most matured of the group. In battle, she is calm, rational and never heads into a fight without drawing up a plan. She constantly neds to hastingly reminds dreamy Jasmine and lazy Ayeko of thier responsiblities as superheroes, sometimes get angry when her team screws up. In her civilan guise, she wears a double breast suit and miniskirt. As Royal Starburst, her powers are the same as Aurora and Nebula, plus a special power called "light burst" (hence her code name): she concentrated her mental energy and engulfes her body with blinding light and explode into a powerful burst of energy, stunning biological enemies and short circuiting all electronic obstacles. Regina is an excellent tactictian and strategist, analyzing enemy movements and actions and solving intense situations. She is armed with a light sword and can also be converted to a mini-phased blaster pistol. Her favorite hobbies is listening to opera and table manners. Her favorite food is anything chocolate. She is a black belt in judo and a great hand-to-hand combatant.