Kirika, Akane, and Yoriko are three Japanese friends living out another ordinary day in Kyoto High School. Until a fateful field trip to a chemical lab changes their lives forever. When they stumbled in a skirmish between industrial spies and undercover British Intelligence agents, nearby chemicals accidentally spilled on the floor, where the fumes accidentally inhaled by the girls save them a danger sensing mental “radar”.
In keeping the incident a secret to their fellow classmates, British Intelligence Tokyo bureau chef Reginald Holmes III has hired the girls to become globetrotting secret agents. Their mission: to keep the world safe from SABRE (the Sinister Association of Bad, Rotten, and Evil) and their plans for global domination.
Using their pretty charms, their fighting abilities, and an array of spy gadgets, the girls travel the world and along the way encounters adventure, danger, excitement, and if they’re lucky, a cute boy or too.
CHARACTERS:Reginald Holmes III –
The girls’ boss, president of their school’s English literature club and head of Section T: Tokyo, British Intelligence; naďve, shy and a little sensitive; roughly the same age as the girls; briefs them of their missions; the girls has some sort of crush on him; lives with his mother, his aunt is the head of MI6
Professor Harold Higgins –
Head of special weapons development at Section T; supplies the girls of their gadgets and vehicles; always gets ticked every time Yuriko sneaks in the laser weapons lab and “borrows” one of its’ equipment.
Mr. Yamamoto –
The girls’ high school principal who is the only one who knows their secret identities; grants them permission to save the world during class under the condition that they must bring their studies with them and do their homework
S.A.B.R.E. (Sinister Agency of Bad, Rotten, and Evil) –
A super-criminal organization dedicated to global domination, but had their plans always foiled by the spy girls; they are headed by the mysterious Dr. Maybe