Intergalactic Patrol officer Alanne Alpha is a fresh-out-of-the-academy first year detective who unnoticeably stumbled on a case that lead to his adventures with half-Allurean Earth high school student Ginger Hale. In his first case with his new partner, Dolly Delta, Alanne uncovered a plot by the ruthless Destructicus crime syndicate to find the remnants of the now-brainwashed Allurean race and to mind-control those remaining survivors to serve as their personal soldiers. The trail led to Earth and the target was Ginger. That led to the string of events that made Ginger a member of a new task force led by Alanne on Dolly to patrol Ginger’s home system. Alanne is a nice and friendly individual who never bows down to evil. He’s popular in his planet’s high school (where his partner Dolly is also his classmate) that attracted many girls with his handsome good looks and easygoing attitude. He is also Ginger’s secret crush; Ginger is swooned by Alanne but never expressed her love for him, keeping their relationship somewhat still professional, for the time being. Alanne’s favorite hobbies are playing laser football (a popular alien sport) in his school and doing althetics. His favorite Earth food is cheeseburgers. Alanne’s race is surprisingly have the exact same physiology as Earth’s humans (all of which are classified by the Galactic Council Humanities Science Service, an alien equivalent of the UN’s population services, as "Class 5 Humanoids") and has no superhuman powers. He is however trained in IP-issue firearms and hand-to-hand combat. Alanne is a qualified starship and hovership pilot and has trained in space law and alien cultures. He is also having extensive training in espionage and stationary gunning. Alanne is currently part of a newly-formed task force is charge of patrolling Earth’s sector consisting of him, Ginger, her brother Josh, and Dolly.