In the far reaches of the galaxy, a powerful crime syndicate has target planet Earth as their key point in expanding its’ criminal empire. And all that stands between them and total conquest of the universe… is a cute high school girl from Heavenly Springs, Canada.
Starry-eyed and clumsy Ginger Hale dreams of romance and adventure just like any teen girl. And when she found that she has mysterious powers, she decided to like out her dream as a beautiful swashbuckling super heroine. But before she could start out on a new chapter in her life, aliens who wanted to capture her were stalking her. By strange fate, or a little luck, she was rescued by two officers of the Intergalactic Patrol, a cosmic police organization.
The officers told her that the reason she have these strange powers is that in fact, she’s half-alien, specifically from the planet Allurea, home to a race of once kind and noble superhuman fighters for justice who were brainwashed by the evil crime cartel of uber-mobster Dominus Destructicus to serve him as his personal soldiers. Destructicus now targets Earth and Ginger, who he thinks is the last Allurean thus having control her half-native race, to further achieve his goal in dominating the entire universe.
Now having no choice, Ginger is recruited as a Intergalactic Patrol Officer herself and assigned with the two officers, handsome and kindhearted rookie Alanne Alpha and smart yet ditzy detective Dolly Delta, as a covert task force to stop Destructicus and his syndicate from spreading terror around the cosmos, while Ginger has a chance to live out her dream use her powers to help her home planet in time of need, and if she’s lucky, get the cute guy!
With the help of her snotty little brother, Josh, and her mother, a former Allurean military officer and current Earth superhero who is disguised as a mild-mannered accountant, Ginger fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and dating with hunky guys… if her principal won’t catch her and bring her into detention first. The galaxy better watch out!
Georgette Hale/Geo-Jetts E-lel/Liberty Lady
mom, full-blooded Allurean and a former member her planet’s
military who escaped the brainwashing of Destructicus and crash-lands
on Earth during WWII where she assumed the identity as the super
heroine Liberty Lady; black-haired brunette; works as an office worker;
loving and caring to her children, she alone know her
daughter’s secret as sometimes tags along on her adventures;
vows to someday liberate her people from Destructicus’ rule
Commissioner Andromeda –
Commissioner of the
Intergalactic Patrol; long, beaded jet-black hair; briefs Ginger and
her gang on missions
Principal Winger –
Principal at Heavenly
Springs High, Ginger’s school; redhead; wears glasses; always
concerned about Ginger’s extracurricular activities