Frustrated by the irresponsible actions of various law enforcement agencies, the independent international crime-fighting firm Global Defense and Investigations Agency takes matters into their hands by stopping criminal activates. When the world crime organization CALAMITY is up to no good, the GDIA sends their best agent, the bumbling Detective Action, into action!
Andy Andrews, a gifted detective but also a frustrated and clumsy office worker moonlighting as GDIA's top operative who, along with his partner, the lovely laser pistol-packing Debby Dunning, aka Debby Danger,do his best to stop the maniacal plots of CALAMITY. But even he and Debby need a little help, help in the form of their team consisting of Andy's 16-year-old sister Ally, her classmate Billy Furlong, and steel-faced fellow agent Shingo Shinobi, master samurai warrior with a sense of justice.
Andy and Debby travel around the world, busting bad guys and saving the day. But will the world’s newest and clumsiest detective able to stop the diabolical feats of CALAMITY in time to get back to work to finish filing his paperwork? Stay tuned, dearly faithful!
Shingo Shinobi –
Shingo Shinobi is a twelfth-generation samurai and former CALAMITY assassin turned operative in the Global Detective and Investigations Agency (GDIA). He was assigned to kill Detective Action on his first mission but circumstances convinced Shingo to change sides. Shinobi is an honor-bound warrior with a strong sense of justice and determined soul of a fierce fighter, despite having a humorless and stoic personality. He dislikes Detective Action’s goofiness and klutziness, but he sees in him honor and determination and goodness in his soul. A permanent member of Action’s team, Shinobi lives by the samurai code and helps his friends under difficult situations with his wisdom and his fighting prowess. His favorite hobbies is meditating and reading historical novels. His favorite food is sushi. His preferred weapon is a specially made katana blade that can slice through any object at sheer force. He is an expert and black belt in martial arts and Samurai fighting techniques. He is also an expert in Eastern field medicine and healing arts.
Chief Matthew McCormick –
Former New York police chief, current head of the Major Crimes Covert Operations division of the Global Defense and Investigations Agency and Andy and Debby’s boss; serious and professional; briefs Andy and Debby on their missions and cases.
Doctor Wolfgang Durmer –
GIA equipment and gadget armorer who supplies Andy and Debby with various gadgets and equipment; German-born scientist with experience in communications and technology; always criticized and complained constantly by field agents, especially and mostly by Andy and Debby, because most of the gadgets he supplies tend to be faulty and prone to malfunction in the wrong moment.
Special Agent Nanami Suzuka –
McCormick’s second-in-command in the Major Crimes Covert Operations Division and gives orders and gadgets to Team Alpha (Action and Danger’s backup team consisting of Ally Action and Brad Furlong); brown-haired; wears glasses; supplies both teams with information and intelligence.
International criminal organization whose expertise includes counter-intelligence, robbery, revenge, drug and gunrunning, terrorism and extortion; led by the rogue agent Scarman. its' roster includes master of Chinese mastermind Mister 0 infuriated Mexican hitman Don Delgado andthe beautiful but deadly Agent 66.