Crash-landed on our planet decades ago, the bounty hunter known to Earth as Dust Derringer lived a life of violence and tragedy, subject to sinister experimentations and torture by the US military, Derringer flees his captors and secretly lived among us as a lone warrior, fighting in almost every one of our planet's military conflicts. When he was finally captured in the deserts of Kuwait during the first Gulf War, Derringer questions one of his superiors whether or not he sold him out, only to be blindsided by a mysterious figure. He woke up with a gun planted in his hand, and a bloodied dead body.
Now framed for a murder he did not committed years ago and hunted by US Army Colonel Lucas McGovern, a determined veteran military investigator, Derringer roams across the globe hunting down criminals and taking dangerous jobs just for the purpose of survival, hoping that one day he would confront those who set him up. But when Derringer uncovered clues that leads him to the real murderers, he became an unwilling pawn in a global conspiracy involving corruption and betrayal with the military.
Now when the real people who framed him hired two shadows from Derringer's past, two alien rival bounty hunters who crash landed with him long ago and wanted personal revenge, Derringer prepares to fight a three-way battle to clear his name: exposing the conspirators to clear his name, fighting the alien assassins, and staying one step ahead of McGovern's task force. With the help of a hard-boiled female private investigator with connections from Derringer's alien race, and a covert peacekeeper who assigns him with the bounty heads, Derringer must confront the demons of his past and engage in maybe the most dangerous and perilous battle he ever faced. For those who live under the shadow of corruption, a day of reckoning, is coming.