Nick Aramaki is a Japanese-born former Hong Kong Police detective who reluctantly became Quentin Gunn’s partner in his private investigations business and gun shop. When he’s not repairing on cleaning guns for customers, he serves as Gunn’s assistant and part-time bounty hunter. Nick was investigating a series of murders in New York, which has connections to the Chinese Triad. The clues and trails led to his first encounter with disgraced ex-NYPD detective Gunn and the events that forced him to quit the Hong Kong Police and moved in to Gunn’s newly found private eye business along with a former street bum and part-time nanny who was formerly a SAS operative. Nick has a no-nonsense, instinct-based approach to bringing down criminals, using some uneasy tactics to get the job done, even if it means lethal force. He is the conscience to Gunn’s reckless cowboy attitude, occasionally putting some sense into Gunn’s thick head and suggestions other ways to dissolve a situation. Nick is a dedicated enforcer, but sometimes has to go above the law to bring more heinous criminals to justice. Nick occasionally fashions himself as a free spirit, but is bound by a strict code of honor and will never abandoned his comrades in times of crises. His favorite hobbies are playing the saxophone at the local jazz club and reading detective novels. His favorite food is Shrimp Nigiri, a type of Japanese sushi. Nick is a veteran detective from his days from the Hong Kong Police. Highly trained and experience in investigative and deduction skills. He is also experienced in undercover work and surveillance. He is a skilled gunsmith and forensics expert. Nick is an Olympic-style track and field athlete and an avid weight trainer. Nick is trained in handgun combat techniques and has his own style of gun fighting, which his former colleagues described as “Gun Fu”. He is highly skilled in all types of firearms and military and paramilitary small arms. His preferred handguns are dual Beretta 92F pistols. He is also highly trained in SWAT tactics from his days working part-time with the HKPD’s Special Duties Unit, which is an equivalent to SWAT. He is an expert in police-issue close-quarters and melee combat.
Additional images created by Adam Mateja