Phoebe Stokes is an employee at INN (International News Network) and Will Williams III’s loyal and willing personal assistant (she has an obsessed fan of his ever since the anchorman’s “Venice Beach Lifeguard” days). She’s the twin sister of INN programming director Gloria Stokes and is the flirty carefree half of the duo. Her nickname is “Yuki” after a certain popular anime character with the same type of hairstyle she has; also due to the fact that she is a diehard fan of anime and manga. Yuki is also a part-time lifeguard, spending her days rescuing people at the beach when she is not working with Williams. She became Superhawke’s best friend and ally since the New York heroine rescued her from falling down from a skyscraper by mobsters. Yuki is somewhat of a ditz but she has a heart of gold. When not being a flake most of the time she can be heroic and selfless when push comes to shove. Unfortunately, her selflessness leads her to trouble and winds up being the typical “damsel in distress”, and to be saved countless times by Superhawke. Her favorites hobbies are swimming, watching anime and reading manga. Her favorite food are rice cakes. She speaks fluent Japanese (she frequently visits Tokyo’s shopping districts during trips to Japan)