Sent to Earth as an orphan from an ongoing alien war, Amanda Hawkings was destined to fight evil as one of Earths greatest defenders, Superhawke. But neither superhuman threat nor natural disaster can ever compete with her greatest challenge in her superhero career, the fight for equal rights.
Treated by skeptical public as a sex object or caped prostitute, compared to the more positive treatment of male superheroes; targeted by a smear campaign by right-wing radio personalities and politicians, and being hailed a champion within the womens rights movement, Superhawke faced a controversial issue involving a womans place in the superhero community. Forced to balance fighting ever-threatening villains and criminals, defending equal rights, and her day job disguised as a mild mannered web designer for a multinational cable television network, Amanda faces these difficult challenges in a political hostile environment, while proving to the world that all superheroes, male and female, deserves equal treatment and respect.
Now faced with ever-increasing super-powered threats on one side, and a sexist right wing political party on another, not to mention ended up competing with an egotistic, media-savvy rival male superhero from another dimension who become an instant hit with the city's conservative bases, Superhawke will have to fight hard in order to bring truth, justice, and equality in a today's ever-changing political climate.