Eighteen years ago, an alien crime syndicate created a biological weapon as a means to enforce their iron fist on the galaxy. The weapon: a powerful female humanoid bred from the DNA of various alien species. But when her delivery goes terribly wrong, she crash lands on Earth.
Raised on a humble orphanage, this female humanoid grew up knowing to use her powers responsibly and then dedicated herself to defend and protect her new home. She would be known to the world as Pulsar Pureheart.
Under the secret identity of mild-mannered office worker Penny Polanski, Pulsar fights the various crime and evil forces around the island metropolis of Cornerstone City. To further deceive her enemies, she has the ability to transform into several other “warrior” identities, each with her own powers and abilities.
But when an elite division of the alien syndicate found out about her whereabouts, they arrive to Earth determined to capture and brainwash her into becoming their soldier of destruction. But Pulsar will not give up without a fight.
Driven by love and a sense of justice, Pulsar now fights for her friends and her newfound world from the forces of evil, and to thwart the menacing crime lords who would use her for their plans of ruling the universe.
Of all the powers in the universe that she possesses, none is much stronger or more powerful than the power of love.
CHARACTERS:Logo created by MikeMedia
Additional character commissions byZairyo