Quentin Gunn is a former New York Police robbery homicide detective and part-time member of the ESU (Emergency Services Unit). Orphaned as a young boy when his parents were brutally caught in a deadly crossfire between rival crime syndicates, Quentin is raised and taught by an honest and incorruptible veteran police officer. He went on to become one of the best detectives in the NYPD’s robbery homicide division and later transferred to the department’s Organized Crime Unit. But a brutal shooting between his unit and the Japanese Yakuza which resulted in Gunn gunning down the syndicate’s generals, Gunn was forced out of the force to avoid getting a life sentence in prison. He later opened a gun shop in Midtown Manhattan and secretly started an independent troubleshooting service. He later was joined by ex-Hong Kong inspector Nick Aramaki, his Chinese half-sister Teresa Wong, and street bum and former SAS black ops operative George Craig. Gunn is a hard-boiled investigator, sometimes going above the law to solve crimes and bring criminals to justice. He has a non-nonsense, don't-always-go-by-the-book approach in investigating and detective work. Having only nothing other than his detective skills and weapons expertise, Gunn cannot find an honest job, which leads to open his own business. He is a constant professional, but is also reckless and has a hard-edged attitude, leading to arguments with his fellow co-workers. Gunn will do whatever it takes to solve his cases and get the needed cash to cover his vast expenses. He never had a knack to kick out his chain smoking habit, and will not plan to in the foreseeable future. His favorite hobbies are playing drums and running his gun shop. His favorite food is canned tuna. Gunn is a gifted and skilled veteran detective and expertise in ballistics, illegal weapons and narcotics shipping, human trafficking, organized crime and domestic terrorism. Despite his history of smoking, Gunn is otherwise maintaining his physique by constant exercise and weight training. Gunn is an expert in police-issue hand-to-hand combat. He is a highly skilled pistol and rifle marksman and firearms combat expert. He is an expert in Class III automatic weapons and paramilitary small arms. His preferred handguns are two .50 Desert Eagles and occasionally uses an M16A4 assault rifle modified to fire full automatic and fitted with an ACOG scope and optional silencer; this rifle is used for sniper purposes. He drives a late-90’s Chevrolet Caprice sedan.