The AX-17 Battle Cyborg is the standard battle android for the militaries of 210 of the 300 members of the Galactic Council of Nation Planets. The A-1 model is currently used by General Sunjammer’s militia. This infantry model is built extensively for infantry operations and peacekeeping tasks. It is equipped with artificial intelligence computers; heavy armor with can withstand human small arms fire and hand grenades except .50 caliber ammunition and rocket-propelled grenades; and an advanced combat endoskeleton enabling it to be more mobile than normal organic soldiers. It also has an adoptive camouflage system to adapt into any environment. It’s standard hand weapons range from standard-issue blaster rifles to long range beam sniper rifles to anti-tank plasma rocket launchers. It can also be configured with optional equipment including short-range jetpacks and mobile track thread attachments for off-road terrain.